Creating a Meditation Space

Why is it important for meditation spaces to be dedicated just to meditation?  How do you choose the right place for a meditation space in your home or room? What do you need to consider in that choice? By now you probably have an understanding that this adventure of creating your own meditation space can…

Just for Meditation?

How many of us wish we could do meditation but haven’t. How many of us have taken a meditation class, but never used what we learned? Or purchased a book on how to meditate, filled with dreams and ideas of how we’d sit on that cushion and change our life. And yet…we just never seem…

7 Great Meditation Space Links

Here are 7 great websites that have information about creating a meditation space in your home.  The trend and belief that this may be the answer to why so many want to meditate, but so few stick with their meditation. Our website is a great resource, and these links will take you to articles that…

Way of Tea Meditation

The Japanese tea ceremony began to evolve its own principles (sabi and wabi) that became a large part of the Japanese culture.  After waning for some years early on, Zen Buddhism was a primary influence in the development of the Japanese tea ceremony and ultimately a connection to meditation spaces. The first documented evidence of what’s called…

The Artist’s Eye – Meditation Space

The Artist’s Eye The afternoon sun slants through the blinds, and the white shears that hang to the floor billow in the breeze coming through the window. There is a hawk that lives high in the large pine tree outside the house, and now and again he gives his high pitched caw that brings to…

Color in Your Meditation Space

Choosing the right colors for your meditation space isn’t always easy.  While in the world of art, color is a study that connects with many different places in the mind, you can also use that understanding when considering a meditation space.  In this article we will learn a little about colors and how the eye, the…

Where Should a Meditation Space Be?

How do you choose just the right place or room in your home or apartment for your meditation space? What do you need to consider in that choice? By now you probably have an understanding that this adventure of creating your own meditation space can change your life, so why treat the selection of where…

Meditation Cushion Stuffings and Material

Meditation cushions are an expensive investment for most people, so choosing the right one is important. It can also be something you have for a long time, so you want it to be a good quality cushion, versatile and adjustable. No matter what shape you chose, the inside stuffing and outside materials are just as…

Meditation Space Videos

I’ve collected a few really excellent videos on Youtube that are about creating a meditation space within your home. The idea is consistent with all that you can read  here on this site, and a few other ideas to add. Enjoy watching, being inspired, and I hope these stories give you inspiration like they have…

One Meditation Room

I’m really just a simple student of the dharma, and I’ve been trying to get deeper in the practice of meditation for 10 years. I have had some changes – I can sit for longer – I can keep my mind focused longer – but….. I’m not really accomplished at all. Still, I have a…