Meditation Room Flooring

I’ve noticed when meditating in a room with hardwood or bamboo floors the energy feels better and brighter. But without padding, (a cushion or rug) different parts of the body tend to fall asleep.  Ankles get really uncomfortable after an hour unless the cushion is thick and your feet and legs will tend to loose circulation….

Choosing a Meditation Cushion

How Important is the Right Cushion? How do you start in choosing the right meditation cushion?  In truth, a perfect meditation cushion can support the perfect meditation, and an uncomfortable cushion can ruin the best effort even if the intention is perfect. Most people don’t realize that this important decision depends completely on each individual’s…

Creativity to Benefit

I was born with the gift of creativity, finding a way to share that with others in a way that can bring such benefit is a real blessing. Many people have set the intention to meditate, but most lose sight of that intention in their busy day-to-day world. Without a doubt having a dedicated meditation…